NGC 6992

    NGC6992 Supernova Remnant in Cygnus, eastern part of the Veil Nebula


    Technical Details:

    Objects: NGC6992 Supernova Remnant in Cygnus, eastern part of the Veil Nebula
    Observing Site: Azor Observatory, Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain. Sky brightness 18.84 mag arcsec-2
    Dates: 2009 August 23-31 
    Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -10ºC 
    Telescope: ASA N10 astrograph @ f/3.8, Astrophysics AP1200 mount
    Filters: Astrodon 6nm Ha, SII and OIII
    Exposure: Total exposure 19 hours. Ha 330 minutes (11x30 min subs); SII 570 min (19x30); OIII 240 min (8x30)
    Processing Software: Maxim DL, Photoshop
    Comments: CCD Commander used for unattended data acquisition. Palette HSO (Ha=R, SII=G, OIII=B) . Shown at 33% size


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