Al Bustan 


Astrophoto Gallery
Latest Photos
Technical Issues

























Welcome to the "Al Bustan" Astronomy Web Site!









This is the personal site of an amateur astronomer. The site is dedicated exclusively to astronomy and intended do divulgate various aspects of this science to everyone.

In this site you can learn about my observatory and equipment, view a few photos of planets and DSO's (deep sky objects) such as galaxies and nebulae, read a few technical astronomy articles and get linked to several interesting sites related to astronomy.



Details the observatory location (country, region, coordinates), design and construction details and contains a few photos illustrating the site.


Presents and describes the telescopes, cameras and accessories utilized at the observatory.

Astrophoto Gallery

Latest Photos

Photo gallery of planets, galaxies and nebulae, taken from the observatory. Some reference photos taken with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and other large telescope facilities are also shown together with a brief explanation.


Contains the latest astrophotos taken in the observatory and not included yet in the Astrophoto Gallery page.

Technical Issues


Contains simple and brief articles related with technical aspects of telescopes, cameras, observation sessions, image processing techniques and other astronomy associated items. Hyperlinks to several astronomy related sites (equipment, software, observatories, books, magazines and others).




That's the page where you play a major role: leave your comment, question or suggestion, and, therefore, contribute to a better understanding of Astronomy.


Member of




Home Observatory Equipment Astrophoto Gallery Latest Photos Technical Issues Links Feedback

This site was last updated 2007-03-16                                                                                                                                                                                  Site created and maintained by Jorge Lázaro