A.R.A.S Spectral  Data Base
  Number of spectra   12 Name CI Cam       Conditions for use of data in publications  
  First Spectrum   16/10/2016 Group X-rays Binaries         Please read    
  Last Spectrum   10/03/2017 Sub Group HMXB                  
                        List of Observers        
                  send spectra to : francoismathieu.teyssier [at] bbox.fr    
  Start Mid Download : Right click on file and Choose "Save As"
  # Date Time (UT) J.D. Observer Site Instrument Resolution l_min l_max Exposure (s) File Flux Zip Serie Validation Plot
  1 16/10/2016 18:38 2457678.31 BER BVO-IT LHIRES31200C9SXV 5980 6337 6782 5826 asdb_cicam_20161016_776.fit       v Plot
  2 16/10/2016 23:05 2457678.458 PSO TAT-HU 30cmLH150_35u414exm 414 4274 7209 1800 asdb_cicam_20161016_962.fit       v Plot
  3 23/10/2016 01:30 2457684.551 PSO TAT-HU 30cmLH600_35u414exm 1875 4462 5189 3600 asdb_cicam_20161023_063.fit       v Plot
  4 23/10/2016 02:46 2457684.606 PSO TAT-HU 30cmLH600_35u414exm 2590 6190 6910 1800 asdb_cicam_20161023_116.fit       v Plot
  5 23/10/2016 04:13 2457684.68 PSO TAT-HU 30cmLH600_35u414exm 2211 5297 6021 600 asdb_cicam_20161023_176.fit       v Plot
  6 29/10/2016 21:55 2457691.448 YBGM OSM-FR C11LISAQSI583ws 1206 3900 7400 5890 asdb_cicam_20161029_914.fit       v Plot
  7 31/10/2016 00:23 2457692.463 PSO TAT-HU 35cmLH2400_35u414ex 13559 6516 6625 9600 asdb_cicam_20161031_017.fit       v Plot
  8 01/11/2016 18:56 2457694.334 BER BVO-IT LHIRES31200C9SXV 5806 6336 6784 7768 asdb_cicam_20161101_789.fit       v Plot
  9 09/11/2016 21:55 2457702.424 FPC PAG-SP N-200DADOS-200ATI 787 3854 7389 1802 asdb_cicam_20161109_914.fit       v Plot
  11 07/01/2017 22:31 2457761.424 PSO TAT-HU 30cmLH2400_35u414ex 9241 6500 6612 3600 asdb_cicam_20170107_938.fit       v Plot
  11 20/02/2017 18:44 2457805.302 FPC PAG-SP N-200DADOS-200ATI 821 3800 7335 3603 asdb_cicam_20170220_781.fit       v Plot
  12 10/03/2017 20:06 2457823.358 FPC PAG-SP Newton-200DADOS-20 854 3771 7297 3603 asdb_cicam_20170310_838.fit         Plot
  Conditions for use of data in publications  
  Note there is a first level validation check prior to adding spectra to this table. Users should verify the quality of the spectra with the observers concerned.      
  Use of these data in research publications is encouraged subject to the following conditions:      
  * The observers concerned should be contacted to confirm the particular acquisition and data reduction procedures used.      
  * Observers contributing  should be aknowledged      
  * Observers contributing a significant amount of data or whose data are pivotal to the findings of the paper should be included as co-authors.      
  *ARAS group should be aknowledege with a reference to the database      
  Please contact François Teyssier      
  francoismathieu.teyssier [at] bbox.fr      
  before submitting the publication