Definition of the products

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 Level 0a

Two-dimensional spectrum (2-D), representing the sum a series of individual preprocessed spectra.  Preprocessing consists of subtracting the offset (bias), and dark (thermal) signals and dividing by the flat-field. Finally cosmetic corrections are made (elimination of cosmic ray hits, for example).  If the individual spectra are offset by more than 4 pixels in the vertical direction compared to the average position, the spectra are realigned in the vertical direction only (axis perpendicular to the dispersal).  The prefered file format is FITS.  The width of the image (vertical axis) should be at least 100 pixels for a satisfactory measurement of the sky background.

Level 0b

2-D Spectrum corrected for first order geometric distortions: the dispersion axis is horizontal and the spectral lines are vertical (“tilt” and "slant" type corrections).  The sky background is subtracted by interpolation using the area both sides of the spectrum of the object observed.  The prefered file format is  FITS.

 Level 0c

Spectral profile in the form of a 2-D image.  The profile is extracted from the level 0b product by binning, (addition) along the vertical axis, the pixels which have received a significant signal from the object.  The profile thus generated is duplicated on 20 rows to produce a 2-D image and enhance the visibility of the spectrum.  The prefered file format is FITS.

 Level 1a

A 1-D profile representing one of the rows of a level 0c product.  The level 0c and 1a products are quite similar.  Only the format of the data is different.  A level 1a product is an ASCII file in two columns: Column 1 contains the pixel numbers (the first pixel is always 0), column 2 contains the counts (ADU) for the corresponding pixel.

 Level 1b

Spectral  profile calibrated in wavelength.  The dispersion law of a level 1b product is linear.  To achieve this, we apply a second (or possibly third) degree polynomial wavelength linearization function to the level 1a product.  The RMS calibration residuals should be less than 0.05 Angstrom (for a 2400 lines / mm grating).  Optionally, to facilitate the visualization, the data can be normalized to unity in a uniform area of the continuum (eg around 6600 angstroms for a spectrum from a LHIRES equipped with a 2400 lines/mm grating).  This operation is limited to the division of all points of the spectra by a constant. The prefered file format is 1-D FITS.

 Level 1c

A level 1b spectral profile divided by the instrumental spectral response curve.  The prefered file format is 1-D FITS.  This is the level required by the Be star spectrum database.

 Level 2 - Level 2a

Telluric lines of water vapour removed. It is produced by dividing a 1c level spectrum by the theoretical spectrum of water vapour.  The H2O spectrum is filtered to match the resolution of the stellar spectrum and adjusted in intensity (absorbance).  The level 1a spectrum may be re-calibrated based on the set of atmospheric lines to improve the accuracy of the spectral calibration.  The prefered file format is 1-D FITS.

 Level 2b

 Level 2a spectrum divided by the adjusted profile of the local continuum.  Data level 2b are used, for example, to calculate the line equivalent width.

 Level 2c

A level 2b spectrum whose spectral calibration has been corrected for the Doppler effect associated with the movement of the Earth around the Sun and around its axis (heliocentric correction).



Calibration lamp spectrum
Level 0a

Two-dimensional (2-D) spectrum, representing the sum of individual preprocessed spectra from a sequence of calibration spectra (neon lamp in the example above).  The prefered file format is FITS.

 Calibration lamp spectrum
Level 0b

2-D Spectrum adjusted for first order geometric distortions: the dispersion axis is horizontal and the spectral lines are vertical (“tilt” and "slant" type corrections).  The geometric operations are strictly the same as those applied to the spectrum of the objects to be calibrated.  The prefered file format is FITS.

 Calibration lamp spectrum
Level 0c

Spectral profile in the form of a 2-D image.
  The profile is extracted from the product level 0b by binning (addition) along the column axis. The resulting profile is duplicated on 20 rows to produce a 2-D image and enhance visibility.  The prefered file format is FITS.

 Calibration lamp spectrum
Level 1a

A 1-D Profile representative of one of the lines of a level 0c product.  The level 0c and 1a products are quite similar.  Only the format of the data is different.  A level 1a product is an ASCII file in two columns: Column 1 contains the pixel number (the first pixel is always 0), column 2 contains the counts (ADU) for the corresponding pixel.