Lyra (la Lyre)

Le catalogue


Désignation             AD (2000.0) DE      m1   m2   Écart  PA  Date     Note   Spectre

COU 1788            18 24 10.9  +42 28 01   6.7 11.4   2.1" 139° 1979            A2
STF 2349 AB         18 36 37.3  +33 28 09   5.4  9.4   7.3" 204° 2002    [   1]  B8II-IIIp
STF 2367 AB-C       18 41 16.4  +30 17 41   7.1  8.8  14.0" 192° 2002    [   2]
STF 2367 AB-D       18 41 16.4  +30 17 41   6.9 11.9  22.9"  95° 1891
STF 2372 Aa-B       18 42 08.1  +34 44 47   6.4  7.7  24.8"  82° 2002

STF 2382 AB    Eps1 18 44 20.3  +39 40 12   5.0  6.1   2.4" 350° 2002 Orb[   3]  A4V F1V
STF A 37 AB-CD Epsi 18 44 20.3  +39 40 12   5.0  5.3 210.5" 174° 1998
STF 2383 Cc-D  Eps2 18 44 22.9  +39 36 46   5.3  5.4   2.3"  82° 2002 Orb        A8Vn F0Vn
STF   38 AD   Dzêta 18 44 46.4  +37 36 18   4.3  5.6  44.0" 150° 2002            F0IVv
H 5   40 AB    Nu-1 18 49 45.9  +32 48 46   5.9 10.9  34.8"  73° 1924    [   4]  B3IV

H 5   40 AC         18 49 45.9  +32 48 46   5.9 10.3  58.5" 122° 1934
STF A 39 AB    Bêta 18 50 04.8  +33 21 46   3.6  6.7  46.0" 149° 2002    [   5]  B7Ve+A8p
HO   270 AC         18 54 52.2  +41 36 10   5.6 11.6  23.7"  40° 1934
STT  525 AB         18 54 52.5  +33 58 07   6.1  9.1   1.7" 133° 1991    [   6]  A8+G5III
SHJ  282 AC         18 54 52.5  +33 58 07   6.1  7.6  45.8" 350° 1993    [   7]

STF 3130 AB-C       18 55 57.2  +44 13 42   7.0 10.5   2.7" 259° 1991
STF 2431            18 58 46.6  +40 40 45   6.2  9.6  18.8" 235° 2002    [   8]  B3V
HJ  1362 AB    16   19 01 26.4  +46 56 05   5.0 10.6  43.7" 281° 1925    [   9]  A7V
DA     9            19 04 15.7  +43 52 49   7.1 10.2   2.0" 172° 1991            A0V
STF 2461 AB    17   19 07 25.6  +32 30 06   5.3  9.1   3.7" 290° 2001    [  10]  F0V

STF 2461 Aa         19 07 25.6  +32 30 06   5.3 11.4  48.0"  50° 1933
STF 2470            19 08 45.2  +34 45 37   7.0  8.4  13.9" 268° 2002    [  11]  B5V
STF 2474 Aa-B       19 09 04.4  +34 36 02   6.8  7.9  16.1" 262° 2002    [  12]
STF 2487 AB    Êta  19 13 45.5  +39 08 45   4.4  8.6  28.4"  80° 2000    [  13]  B2.5IV
HAU   24            19 20 33.1  +35 11 09   6.3 10.0  45.0" 272° 1991            B9V


[   1] A is possibly a spectroscopic binary. Variable.
[   2] P = 93yr., a = 0.26", motion retrograde.
       C is physical.
       Bidelman classifies AB as composite gK+A:.
[   3] Epsilon (1) Lyr. 4 Lyr.  AB: A premature orbit has been
       AB-CD: STF Appendix I 37. See ADS for notes of components.
       Cc-D: Epsilon (2) Lyr. 5 Lyr. P = 724yr., a = 2.92",
       motion retrograde. C is an Alpha CVn-type variable,
       and has a companion, c.
       A preliminary sketch of the motions of the SHJ group show the
       G component may be flying away in position angle ~190 (DAL05).
[   4] H V 40. Nu (1) Lyr. A is a Beta Lyrae-type system.
[   5] Beta Lyrae. A is the prototype variable of its class.
       B is BD+33@3224.
[   6] A is a spectroscopic binary. C is BD+33@3256.
[   7] A is a spectroscopic binary. C is BD+33@3256.
[   8] BDS 8981, H IV 93 is identical. A spectroscopic binary.
[   9] 16 Lyr.
[  10] 17 Lyr. Mt. Wilson spectral type A is A9n.
       A is a spectroscopic binary.
       AC: Proper motion of C +1280 +1115. Mt. Wilson spectral
       type is M3.
[  11] B is BD+34 3436. A is a spectroscopic binary.
[  12] B is BD+34 3438.
[  13] Eta Lyr. B is BD+38@3491. Proper motion of B -008 -001.
       A is a spectroscopic binary.


Nom     AD  (2000)  DE      Type       Max    Min        T (Jul)       P (jours)     F   Spectre

W     18 14.93 +36 40.2     M          7.3    13.0   v   2445084.      197.88        48  M2e-M8e
TZ    18 15.83 +41 06.7     EB/D      10.87   11.85  V   2444784.4093    0.5288269       F5V
TV    18 21.66 +30 27.9     M         10.0    13.9   v   2438439.      262.31            M4e
IO    18 22.63 +32 57.5     RRab      11.27   12.24  V   2439618.9315    0.57712278  18  F1-F6
TW    18 23.95 +39 35.1     M          9.5    14.9   v   2443039.      376.71            M6

T     18 32.33 +36 59.9     Lb         7.84    9.6   V                                   C6,5(R6)
KX    18 33.38 +40 10.4     RRab      10.38   11.47  V   2439630.8696    0.44090446  21  A7-F5
XY    18 38.10 +39 40.1     Lc         5.80    6.35  V                                   M4-5Ib-II
HK    18 42.84 +36 57.5     Lb         7.8     9.6   v                                   C6,4(N4)
RZ    18 43.62 +32 47.9     RRab      10.6    12.03  v   2441183.426     0.5112423   14  A9-F4

RY    18 44.87 +34 40.6     M          9.0   <15.6   v   2445306.      325.79        40  M5e-M6e
RW    18 45.17 +43 38.1     M          9.8    16.0   v   2444486.      503.75        38  M7e
EZ    18 47.69 +35 59.5     RRab      10.8    11.8   v   2433914.3357    0.52526769  10  A7-F4
Bêta  18 50.08 +33 21.8     EB         3.25    4.36  V   2408247.950    12.913834        B8II-IIIep
R     18 55.34 +43 56.7     SRb        3.88    5.0   V                  46               M5III

Z     18 59.61 +34 57.2     M          9.2    15.3   v   2445266.      291.70        49  M4e-M5.5:e
RT    19 01.24 +37 31.2     M          9.1    15.2   v   2445119.      253.70        45  M5e
V     19 09.07 +29 39.6     M          8.2    15.7   v   2445209.      373.53        33  M7e
TY    19 09.80 +28 04.3     M          9.0    14.6   v   2442677.      333.71        35  M8e
RU    19 12.35 +41 18.2     M          9.5    15.9   v   2445121.      371.84        45  M6e:-M8e

RS    19 13.03 +33 24.8     M          9.2    15.8   v   2442919.      301.41        48  M5e
S     19 13.20 +26 00.5     M          9.8    15.6   v   2442924.      438.40        40  SCe
SS    19 13.26 +46 58.9     M          8.4    14.0   v   2445090.      346.33            M5IIIe
U     19 20.07 +37 52.5     M          8.3    13.5   v   2442492.      451.72        52  C4.5e(N0e)
UZ    19 21.15 +37 56.2     EA/SD      9.9    11.0   v   2443689.9415    1.8912727   15  B9V

RR    19 25.47 +42 47.2     RRab       7.06    8.12  V   2442923.4193    0.56686776  19  A5.0-F7.0
TT    19 27.59 +41 42.1     EA/SD      9.34   11.43  V   2438605.2644    5.243727    14  B2V



Nom          AD (2000) DE     Type          V     B       Dim.        Dist.     Notes

NGC 6646    18 29.6  +39 52   GSa          12.6  13.5   1.2x1.0'    5970 km/s
NGC 6675    18 37.4  +40 03   GSbc               13.3   1.7x1.3'    2710 km/s
NGC 6702    18 47.0  +45 42   GE:          12.2  13.2   1.8x1.3'    4930 km/s
NGC 6703    18 47.3  +45 33   GSAO-        11.3  12.3   2.5x2.3'    2580 km/s
PK  64+15.1 18 50.0  +35 15   NP 4         12.9           17"        2.5 kpc    *= ?

Steph 1     18 54.0  +36 54   AO III3p      3.8 ( 4.3)    20'        320 pc     E  11.0
  M 57      18 53.6  +33 02   NP 4+3        8.8   9.7  86x63/150"    0.6 kpc    *= 14.8, NGC 6720
NGC 6765    19 11.1  +30 33   NP 5         12.9            38"       2.4 kpc    *= 16:
  M 56      19 16.6  +30 11   AG X          8.3            7.1'      9.5 kpc    NGC 6779
NGC 6791    19 20.7  +37 51   AO II 3r      9.5 (13.0)    16'       5100 pc     NR

NGC 6792    19 21.0  +43 08   GSBb               12.9   2.2x1.3'    4860 km/s
