
Equipments and Site

FAQ of Amateur Astronomy

Here we intended to put some answers to related frequent doubts the astronomy for amateurs

1 - equipments

1.1 - telescopes and Binoculars


Does my telescope of 60mm render? What do I get to see with him? Does the mark matter?

My first telescope was a refrator of 60mm and 60 increases. He/she didn't have known mark but it was not made also of plastic. In general I think it is a good apparel for who begins in the world of the astronomy. In him you will see the Moon and their craters, the moons of Jupiter (but without the strips, only a white disk), the ring of Saturn, Mars without any detail, the phases of Venus, the most brilliant asteroids, the most brilliant comets, agglomerates open of estrêlas, globular agglomerates without distinguishing estrêlas, just a round mass, some brilliant nebulas like the one of Órion and Eta Carinae. In dark places you will detect the nebula of the Ring very slightly without seeing the hole.

The mark of the telescope doesn't matter. Be just careful with telescopes of many increases, because it is not possible in fact utilzar-if in astronomy. In general count 10 times the diameter in centimeters and you will have the wearable maximum increase.


Does he/she make sense an increase of 1000 times?

As the important was said is the diameter of the lens (I mirror or lens) of the telescope. In practice the atmospheric turbulence it impedes larger increases than 200 or 300 times, independently of the size of the telescope that she are observing.

1.2 - CCDs

1.3 - cameras

1.3 - accessory

2 - techniques of Observation

2.1 - observing Planets and Satellites

2.2 - observing Comets

2.3 - observing Asteroids

2.4 - observing Artificial Satellites

2.5 - observing Stellar Agglomerates

2.6 - observing Nebulas

2.7 - observing Galaxies and Beyond

3 - concepts and Theories of Physics and Astronomy

3.1 - what is the Theory of the Relativity

3.2 - what is the Quantum Mechanics

3.3 - the one that the Theory of Supercordas

3.4 - cosmology, Big Bang and Expansion of the Universe

3.5 - formation and Evolution of the Stars

4 -

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