Audine CCD camera with Newton telescope 165/1145

23 May 2010

NGC 5394-5395 in Canes Venatici
65 exposures of 30 sec, dark and flat corrected.
Air mass ratio = 1.039
Moon illuminated fraction = 0.81 / height = 26 deg

22 May 2010

NGC 4565 in Coma Berenices
21 exposures of 60 sec, dark and flat corrected.
Air mass ratio = 1.232
Moon illuminated fraction = 0.72 / height = 25 deg

M51 in Canes Venatici
10 exposures of 60 sec, dark and flat corrected.
Air mass ratio = 1.068
Moon illuminated fraction = 0.72 / height = 20 deg