Hale-Bopp - 13 march 1997

A detail of the inner coma, that show the shell structure, well bisible at the eyepiece and in CCD images. The 2x enlargement show only the inner part, digitalized in a way that show inner details.

Technical Data
Optics Schmidt Cassegrain telescope 8"
Focal Lenght 2000 mm
Focal Ratio f/10
Exposure Time 30 sec
Film Kodak Elite 100
Developement sensibility 100 ISO
Location Tradate (VA, in Padana Plain) at 300m
Date and time of exposure start 13 march 1997, 18.20 UT
Mount Meade 2080
Tracking -
Notes Rescanned in 2002

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at comolli@libero.it.
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