Linear C/1999 S4 - 8 july 2000

Image of the Linear C/1999 S4 using a teleobjective and tracking on the stars. It swoh what was visible visually in a 11x80 binocular. The small image show an animation where the images are 15 minutes apart and show the fast movement of the comet.

Technical Data
Optics Photographical objective
Focal Lenght 200 mm
Focal Ratio f/5,6
Exposure Time 15 min exposure
Film Kodak PJ-400
Developement sensibility 400 ISO
Location San Martino (VA, on the Italian Prealps) at 1083m
Date and time of exposure start 8 july 2000, 0.21 UT
Mount Meade 8"
Tracking Manual on the stars
Notes -

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at
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