Composition of Linear C/2001 A2 - 22-23 july 2001

Composition of two images of comet Linear C/2001 A2 realized a day apart. The comet was moving toward up-right.

Technical Data
Optics Photographical objective
Focal Lenght 200 mm
Focal Ratio f/5,6
Exposure Time 45 and 30 min exposure
Film Kodak E200
Developement sensibility 320 ISO
Location Colle del Nivolet (AO, on the Alps, ITALY) at 2600m
Date and time of exposure start 22 july 2001, 0.21 UT and 23 july 2001, 0.00 UT
Mount Meade 8"
Tracking ST4
Temperature and humidity T=+4°C, RH=80%
Notes -

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