M 76

M 76, in Perseus, is an irregular planetary nebula. The central star is of magnitude 16.5.  Very pronounced colors, green in the center and red on the borders. The big lateral ears resembles a small dumbell.

Technical Data
Optics Newton 310mm Maccagnan
Focal Lenght 1560mm
Focal Ratio f/5
Exposure Time and filters LRGB 45:20:15:20 (single exposures of 5 min), total exposure 100min
Sensor Kaf-402me grade 2
Chip temperature -25°C
Location Capanne di Cosola (PV, on Italian Appennines, Italy) at 1500m
Date and time of exposure start 28 october 2006, 20.19 UT
Mount Gemini G41
Tracking Webcam with Pentax 75 at 1500mm
Temperature and humidity T=+12°C, RH=44%

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at comolli@libero.it.
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