Passo Maniva and Croce Domini - 2150 m

Nation, region, province
Italy, Lombardia, Brescia
WGS84 coordinates
45°52'07" N 10°22'58" E google maps
Heigth 2150 m
Brightness at zenith [mag/arcsec^2] -
Typical limiting magnitude
7.0 (if the Pianura Padana is fogged, if not the sky is more polluted)
Max number of amateurs 50

This is a very good observing place, easily reachable from Brescia, riding trough the Val Trompia, between Passo Maniva and Passo Croce Domini. The sky is very dark, but toward South there is the Pianura Padana with his lights. Luckily, when I observed in 2005, all the valley was covered with fog and the sky was perfectly dark even on the horizon. The horizon is perfect except some small hills toward North and East.

A sea of fog covered the whole Pianura Padana, and so the sky was really dark.

360° panorama from Punta Auggia, a little higher from the observing grass. Near the cross, Giosuè.

29 october 2005: Giosuè and Gigi prepare the telescopes for the night

The camper with the instruments, covered for the day.


HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at
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