The first pictures taken with the 200mm Newtonian.

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Here are the first photos taken with this telescope. The film used was Elite Chrome 200.

The Moon with a focal doubleur (the focal length was 1840mm that is  f/9.2). Esposure time was 1/30 s without the motor.

The Sun on 20 June 2000 at 10h TU. Astrosolar filter, 1/125s exposure time with a focal doubler.

And finaly, one of the first long exposure photos.

M17 at prime focus on Elite Chrome 200. The exposure time was 10 minutes. It was taken in bad conditions: the sky was somewhat light polluted, the exposure time too short, I couldn't use my coma corrector and the picture suffers from the vignetting of the T-ring. But I am very pleased with this first result. The next one will be better.