Pictures > Messier objects > M27 - The Dumbbell nebula

The Dumbbell nebulae M27 at Thézac (dept. 17, France) on 21/08/2023

Guiding: none
Viewer: Canon lens F=300mm
Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6
Imager: Canon 5D Mark IV
Moon: no moon
Conditions: 24°C
Exposures: 16x15s at 25600 ISO
Offset : 29x 1/10s
Dark : 5x15s
flat : none
Processing: IRIS then GIMP.
Commentary: not bad for a shoot without telescope !

The Dumbbell nebula M27 at Thézac (dept. 17, France) on 24/08/2016

Guiding: off-axis guider on C8 telescope at F=2000mm, LodeStar StarLight Xpress
Telescope: C8 at F=2000mm
Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6
Imager: Atik 314L+ at -7.5°C
Moon: 63% visible
Conditions: 22°C, dry air
Exposures: L:12x120s bin1 R:10x120s bin2 G:10x120s bin2 B:10x120s bin2 Ha:12x120s bin2
Offsets: 15x0.001s in bin1 and 15x0.001s in bin2
Darks: 11x120s in bin1, 11x120s in bin2
flats: L:15x0.035s R:15x0.7s G:15x0.053s B:15x0.028s Ha:11x15s
Processing: IRIS then GIMP: adding the h-alpha layer, curves.
Commentary: good image compared to previous ones, good conditions before the moonrise at about 1am.

M27, the Dumbbell nebula 15/07/2012 from Thézac (17, France)

Telescope: C8 at F=1260mm
Guidaging: 80ED refractor at F=1200mm with CCD camera LodeStar StarLight Xpress, PHDGuiding software
Mount: SkyWatcher NEQ6
Imager: Canon 450D
Moon: no moon
Conditions: great night, no moon, 15°C
Exposures: 12x120s
Offsets: 15x1/4000s
Darks: 3x120s
IRIS processing: pre-processing, registration and addition of images
GIMP processing: levels, curves.

Commentary : quite good image

M27, the Dumbbell nebula le 20/08/2010 à Thézac (17, France)

Telescope: C8 at F=1260mm
Guidaging: 80ED refractor at F=1200mm with CCD camera LodeStar StarLight Xpress, PHDGuiding software
Mount: SkyWatcher NEQ6
Imager: Atik 314L+ at -15°C, binning 1x1
Moon: quite big, annoying
Conditions: hot night, 20°C
Exposures : L:1x120s R:1x120s G:1x120s B:1x120s
Offsets: 40x0.001s
Darks: 5x120s
IRIS processing: remove offset and dark, registration and addition of images, then combine LRGB
GIMP processing: black level.

Commentary: I need to redo it with better conditions, less moon, more exposures, and I need H-alpha exposures

01/06/2011 from Sommières-du-Clain, Vienne (86, France)

Telescope: Orion 80ED refractor at F=600mm
Guiding: none
Mount: Celestron CG5
Imager: Canon 450D at 1600ISO
Moon: pas de lune
Conditions: lot of wind, 12°C, dry air
Exposures: 4x60s
Offsets: 23x1/4000s
Darks: 5x60s
Flats: 15x1/250s
IRIS processing: offset, dark, flat then registration and addition + GIMP : level, curves, balance of red
Commentary: I am quite happy with this result considering the few exposures taken, even if the guiding was not so good. Beautiful night, no moon, but exhausting because of the wind and cold temperature. I couldn't use the off-axis guider for guiding, because I missed an eyepiece holder for the LodeStar camera, and not possible to focus.

Telescope: 80ED refractor F=600mm
Guiding: C8 at F=2000mm with CCD camera LodeStar StarLight Xpress, PHDGuiding software
Mount: SkyWatcher NEQ6
Imager: Atik 314L+ at -13°C, binning 1x1
Moon: full moon very annoying
Conditions: quite humid
Exposures: L:1x300s R:1x300s G:1x300s B:1x300s H-alpha:1x300s
Offsets: 30x0.001s
Darks: 1x300s
IRIS processing: removal of offset and dark, registration and addition of exposures, then combine LRGB layers
GIMP processing: adding H-apha layer, black level, saturation.

Commentary: not good conditions, need longer exposure time.

In 2009, with C8 and manual guiding with off-axis guider, Canon 450D at 1600ISO Telescope: C8 at F=1260mm
Guiding: manual guiding with off-axis guider
Mount: CG5
Imager: Canon 450D at 1600ISO
Moon: -
Conditions: -
Exposures: 1 picture of 10mn
Offsets: -
Darks: 1x10mn
IRIS processing: none
GIMP processing: removal of the dark, level of black.

Commentary: not perfect guiding, but quite good for 10mn manual guiding! And M27 was at the top of the sky, so not easy to target.

M27, the Dumbbell nebula le 19/08/2011 from Thézac (17, France)

Telescope: C8 at F=2000mm
Guiding: Lunette Orion Short Tube F=800mm with CCD camera LodeStar StarLight Xpress, PHDGuiding software
Mount: SkyWatcher NEQ6
Imager: Atik 314L+ at -15°C, binning 1x1
Moon: annoying
Conditions: hot night 19°C
Exposures: 10x30s LRGB
Offsets: 0.1sx15
Darks: 5x30s
IRIS processing: removal of offset and dark, registration and addition of exposures, then combine LRGB
GIMP processing: level of black.

Commentary: bad result, wrong colours, to redo

M27, the Dumbbell nebula le 10/08/2011 from Thézac (17, France)

Telescope: C8 at F=2000mm
Guiding: Lunette Orion Short Tube F=1200mm (400mmx3) with CCD camera LodeStar StarLight Xpress, PHDGuiding software
Mount: SkyWatcher NEQ6
Imager: Atik 314L+ at -15°C, binning 1x1
Moon: very annoying
Conditions: calm night, 14°C
Exposures: L:5x120s
Offsets: none
Darks: none
Flats: none
IRIS processing: registration and addition of images
GIMP processing: curves, level of black.

Commentary: Interesting result, because more details appear, even if the coulours are missing because the filter wheel was jamed. Guiding needs to be improved, however the focal length was long and the exposure time too. That was a good test.