IC2159tik Sh2-254ra

From IC2159 to Sh2-254



NGC2175 Orion konstelazioan aurkitzen den izar multzoa da, gugandik 6350 argi-urtera kokatua, nebulosa igorlean murgildurik. Tximino Buru nebulosa, gas ionizatutako nebulosa igorlea da eta bertan izar berriak sortzen ari dira. Irudiaren behe aldean, Sh2-254 nebulosa da handiena bere inguruko eremu txikian dauden Sharpless objektuen artean. Ezkerrerago daude kokatuak Sh2-257 eta Sh2-255. Beste bi txikienak Sh2-256 eta Sh2-258 dira. Oso distiratsuak Hidrogeno Alfan. Irudian osoan zehar bi objektu multzo hauen artean hainbat nebulosa ilun eta nebulosa ahul ikus daitezke.

NGC 2175 is an open cluster in the Orion constellation, embedded in a diffusion nebula at a distance of about 6,350 light years away from Earth. The associated nebula, The Monkey Head Nebula, is an emission nebula cloud of ionised gas in which new stars are being formed. Botton in the FOV, the Sh2-254 is the largest of a group of Sharpless objects in a small area in the sky. At left, Sh2-257 and Sh2-255. The two smaller ones are Sh2-256 and Sh2-258. Very reach in hydrogen-alpha emission line. All in the FOV and between both objects many dark nebulas and faint nebulas can be seen.

Objektua:    IC2159, Sh2-254.

Esposizio-denbora:  15 x 300s (L) + 10 x 300s (R) + 4 x 300s (G) + 9 x 300s (B).

Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

Teleskopioa:    Takahashi FSQ-106EDX3 eta EM-200Temma2M. Seletek Armadillo / Focusmax.

Kamera:    Andor Apogee U16M / AFW-50-7S ( - 20ºC ). Astrodon E-Series genII iragazkiak.

Jarraipena:    FS-60CSV, QHY-5, PHDguiding.

Data:    2020ko otsailak 18.

●  Object:    IC2159, Sh2-254.

●  Exposure:   15 x 300s (L) + 10 x 300s (R) + 4 x 300s (G) + 9 x 300s (B).

●  Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

●  Telescope:    Takahashi FSQ-106EDX3 on EM-200Temma2M. Seletek Armadillo / Focusmax.

●  Camera:    Andor Apogee U16M / AFW-50-7S ( - 20ºC ). Astrodon E-Series genII filters.

●  Guiding:    FS-60CSV, QHY-5, PHDguiding.

●  Date:    18th of February 2020.



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