Marmoka Nebulosa

Jellyfish Nebula



IC443 (Marmoka Nebulosa) supernoba baten hondarrak dira (ingeleraz SNR) Bikiak konstelazioan, Lurretik gutxi gora behera 5.000 argi-urteko distantzian kokatzen dena. Duela 3.000 eta 30.000 urte artean gertatu zen supernoba eztanda baten hondarrak direla uste da. Irudian Messier 35 izar multzoa ikus daiteke, Philippe Loys de Chéseaux-ek aurkitzu zuen 1745an lehenengoz eta John Bevis-ek ere 1750a baino lehenago bere kabuz topatu zuen. Izar multzoa Lurretik 2800 argi-urtera kokatzen da.

IC 443 (Jellyfish Nebula) is a supernova remnant (SNR) in the constellation Gemini at a roughly distance of 5,000 light years from Earth. May be the remains of a supernova that occurred 3,000 - 30,000 years ago. In the field can be seeing Messier 35, an open cluster which was discovered by Philippe Loys de Chéseaux in 1745 and independently discovered by John Bevis before 1750. The cluster lies 2,800 light-years from Earth.

Objektua:    IC443 - M35.

Esposizio-denbora:  24 x 300s (L) + 12 x 300s (R) + 12 x 300s (G) + 12 x 300s (B).

Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

Teleskopioa:    Takahashi FSQ-106EDX3 eta EM-200Temma2M. Seletek Armadillo / Focusmax.

Kamera:    Apogee U16M / AFW-50-7S ( - 20ºC ). Astrodon E-Series genII iragazkiak.

Jarraipena:    FS-60CSV, QHY-5, PHDguiding.

Data:    2018ko otsailak 12.

●  Object:   IC443 - M35.

●  Exposure:   24 x 300s (L) + 12 x 300s (R) + 12 x 300s (G) + 12 x 300s (B).

●  Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

●  Telescope:    Takahashi FSQ-106EDX3 on EM-200Temma2M. Seletek Armadillo / Focusmax.

●  Camera:    Apogee U16M / AFW-50-7S ( - 20ºC ). Astrodon E-Series genII filters.

●  Guiding:    FS-60CSV, QHY-5, PHDguiding.

●  Date:    12th of February 2018.



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