M16 and M17, The Eagle and Swan Nebulae

M16 eta M17, Arrano eta Zisne nebulosak




Arrano nebulosa (M16), IC4703 nebulosa lausoaren eremu-zati bat da gugandik 7000 argi-urtera aurkitzen dena, bertan izar formazio eta hauts eremu ugari daude, Hubble espazio teleskopioak hartutako "Pillar of Creation (1995)" barne. Nebulosatik irteten den gas lerroak gutxi gora behera 9 argi-urteko luzeera du eta nebulosarekin elkarlotzen den izar multzoak 460ren bat izar dituela uste da.

Omega nebulosa (M17) Sagittarius konstelazioan kokaturik dagoen Hidrogeno-II eremua da, gure galaxiako izar formazio eremu distiratsuen eta handienetakoa izanik (800 eguzki masa dituela uste da). Lurretik 5000 edo 6000 argi urtera dago eta 15 argi-urteko diametroan luzatzen da.



The Eagle Nebula (M16) is part of a diffuse emission IC4703 Nebula and it contains several active star-forming gas and dust region, including "Pillar of Creation" about 7000 light-years distant from us. A spire of gas that can be seen coming off the nebula is approximately 9 light-years long and the cluster associated with the nebula has approximately 460 stars.

The Omega Nebula (M17) is an H II region in the constellations Sagittarius considered one of the brightest and most massive (estimated 800 solar masses) star-forming regions of our galaxy between 5000-6000 light-years from Earth and it spans some 15 light years in diameter.


Objektua:     M16 eta M17 nebulosak.

Esposizio-denbora:  6 x 600s (Ha) + 8 x 300s (R) + 8 x 300s (G) + 8 x 300s (B).

Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

Teleskopioa:    Takahashi FSQ-106EDX eta EM-200Temma2M. Seletek Armadillo / Focusmax.

Kamera:    Apogee U16M / AFW-50-7S ( - 20ºC ). Astrodon E-Series genII iragazkiak.

Jarraipena:    FS-60CSV, QHY-5, PHDguiding.

Behaketa tokia:    Auñamendiak.

Data:    2015ko ekainak 19.

●  Object:   M16 and M17 Nebulae.

●  Exposure:   6 x 600s (Ha) + 8 x 300s (R) + 8 x 300s (G) + 8 x 300s (B).

●  Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

●  Telescope:    Takahashi FSQ-106EDX on EM-200Temma2M. Seletek Armadillo / Focusmax.

●  Camera:    Apogee U16M / AFW-50-7S ( - 20ºC ). Astrodon E-Series genII filters.

●  Guiding:    FS-60CSV, QHY-5, PHDguiding.

●  Location:    Pyrenees.

●  Date:    19th of  June 2015.



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All the images in this site are © copyright 1999-2015 by Iñaki Lizaso. Any use of these images without the prior written consent of the autor is strictly prohibited. Contact Iñaki Lizaso at edif300@yahoo.es
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© 1999-2015 Iñaki Lizaso