Taurus eta Perseus Hodei Molekularrak

Taurus and Perseus Molecular Clouds



Taurus Hodei Molekularra (TMC) Zezena eta Auriga (Gurdizaina) konstelazioetan aurkitzen den hodei molekularra da. Gugandik, bakarrik 430 argi-urtera kokatzen da, izarrak sortzen ari diren eremu handi hurbilena izanik. Perseus Hodei Molekularra (Per HM) berriz, hodei molekular erraldoia da Perseus konstelazioan, 10000 eguzki masa duen hauts eta gas hodeia gugandik 1000 argi-urtera kokatzen da.

The Taurus Molecular Cloud (TMC) is a molecular cloud in the constellations Taurus and Auriga. At only 430 light-years away from Earth, the nearest large star formation region and has hundreds of newly formed stars. The Perseus Molecular Cloud (Per MCld) is a giant molecular cloud in the constellation of Perseus at 1000 light-years and contains over 10,000 solar masses of gas and dust.

Objektua:    Taurus eta Perseus hodei molekularrak.

Esposizio-denbora:    43 x 360s. ISO 1600.

Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

Objektiboa:    Nikkor 50mm f1.4 AIS.

Kamera:    Canon 6D iragazkia-aldatuta.

Jarraipena:    Takahashi EM-200T2M, FS-60CSV, ASI-585MC.

Data:    2024ko urtarrilak 11.

●  Object:    Taurus and Perseus Molecular Clouds.

●  Exposure:   43 x 360s. ISO 1600.

●  Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

●  Telescope:    Nikkor 50mm f1.4 AIS.

●  Camera:    Canon 6D modified.

●  Guiding:    Takahashi EM-200T2M, FS-60CSV, ASI-585MC.

●  Date:    11th of January 2024.



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