Omega Orionis izarraren eremua

Dusty field around 47 Ori star



Omega Orionis (47 Ori) izarra, irudian erdigunean ikusgai, 8.99 Eguzki-diametro duen izar erraldoi urdin-txuria da. Gugandik 1400 argi-urtera kokatzen da, 20000K inguruko tenperatura du eta bere itxurazko magnitudea +4.4 eta 4.59 bitartean aldatzen zaio. Irudiko 4 gradu koadroan distira ahula duten hainbat nebulosa marroi eta urdin kokatzen dira, baita Barnard begizta nebulosa gorri distiratsuaren ertza.

 Omega Orionis (47 Ori), visible in the center of the image, is a bluish-white giant star that has a variable luminosity between +4.4 to 4.59 with a diameter of 8.99 Suns, has a temperature of 20000K and lies at 1400 Light years. It is responsible for lighting the bright blue nebula VDB49, located close to the star and 1600 light-years from us. This 4 square degree field around 47 Ori star, is filled with brown and blue faint nebulae and at bottom is the bright red edge of Barnard's Loop.

Objektua:   VDB49.

Esposizio-denbora:    30 x 300s (L) + 11 x 300s (R) + 10 x 300s (G) + 10 x 300s (B).

Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

Teleskopioa:    Takahashi FSQ-106EDX3 eta EM-200Temma2M. Seletek Armadillo / Focusmax.

Kamera:    Andor Apogee U16M / AFW-50-7S ( - 20ºC ). Astrodon E-Series genII iragazkiak.

Jarraipena:    FS-60CSV, QHY-5, PHDguiding.

Data:    2022ko abenduak 24.

●  Object:    VDB49.

●  Exposure:    30 x 300s (L) + 11 x 300s (R) + 10 x 300s (G) + 10 x 300s (B).

●  Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

●  Telescope:    Takahashi FSQ-106EDX3 on EM-200Temma2M. Seletek Armadillo / Focusmax.

●  Camera:    Andor Apogee U16M / AFW-50-7S ( - 20ºC ). Astrodon E-Series genII filters.

●  Guiding:    FS-60CSV, QHY-5, PHDguiding.

●  Date:    24th of December 2022.




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