










Object: M31
Optics: Takahashi TOA-150 f/5.6 (Reducer 645-RD)
Idas LPS filter
Camera: SBIG STL11Km
CCD temperature: -20°C
Exposure: 1X1 R-90min(9X10m), Gs-(R+B)/2, B-110min(11X10m)
Mount: Takahashi EM-400
Image processing: MaximDL (réduction + image combine) , Photoshop
Quebec, Qc, Canada
Sept 26, 2009


M31 crop central

Central crop (Full resolution)


The Andromeda Galaxy contains more than 200 billion stars. Easily observable in dark skies, M31 is the most distant object visible to the naked eye at 2.3 million light years away from us. M31 is a member of our local group of galaxies that includes our galaxy (Milky Way) and the Magellanic Clouds. Two populations of stars are visible in the photo; a group of young stars in the periphery and more elderly stars (yellow) in the central portion.