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Milky Way M16-M24 region

Object: Milky Way M16-M24 region
Optics: Takahashi FSQ106EDX f/3.6 (645 Reducer-0.72X)
Idas LPS filter
Camera: SBIG STL11Km
CCD temperature: -10°C
Exposure: Bin 1X1 L-60min(12X5m), R-40min(8X5m), G-40min(8X5m), B-40min(8X5m)
Mount: Astro-Physics 1100GTO
Image processing: Pixinsight, Photoshop
St-Pierre-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud, Qc, Canada
June 13th,20th, and July 16th 2015