






Lunar eclipse 2008

Lunar eclipse 200822:07h EST

Lunar eclipse 2008
22:25h EST

Lunar eclipse 2008
22:44h EST

Lunar eclipse 2008
Totality from 22:00 to 22:51h and partial phases (21:49 and 23:02h) EST

Motion of the moon during the eclipse (left to right) relative to the stars. (Middle image at mid-totality)



Object: Lunar eclipse 2008
Optics: Takahashi TOA-150 f/7.3
Idas LPS filter
Camera: SBIG STL11Km
CCD temperature: -30°C
Exposure: 1X1 L-1sec, R-3sec, G-3sec, B-3sec
Mount: Takahashi EM-400
Image processing: MaxIm DL, Registar et Photoshop
Quebec, Qc, Canada
February 20, 2008