M22 = NGC6656 ( 18h 36.4m -23°54´, 5.1 mag. )
This impressive globular cluster in Sagittarius was probably discovered by Johannes Hevelius prior to 1665. Messier observed it on June 5, 1764. Consisting of more than 500,000 stars, M22 cluster is about 10,100 ly away. It easy to find in binoculars about 2°30' NE of l Sagittarii (see finder chart below).
The above image was taken on June 28, 1998 from Sooke, BC. Cookbook 245 LDC CCD camera was used on Celestron Ultima 8 f6.3 telescope autoguided with Cookbook 211 LDC CCD camera on piggybacked 500mm f8 telephoto lens. Six white exposures (60 sec. each) as well as cyan, magenta and yellow-integrations (3 x 60 sec. each) were combined in AIP4WIN. Resulting color image was then adjusted in Lab color space with Corel PhotoPaint 8.
North is to the right.
Map created in Guide 7.0 - 7°45' x 12°. North is up.
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© Jan Wisniewski