NGC3226 and NGC3227 Interacting Galaxies in Leo
(RA 10h 23.4m , Dec. +19°54', 11.4 & 10.3 mag., 2.5 x 2.2 and 6.9 x 6.4 arcmin.)
This pair composed of larger spiral (NGC3227, left of center) and brighter elliptical galaxy (NGC3226, right of center) is easy to find just 50' E of g Leonis (see finder chart below).
The above image was taken on March 18, 2001 from Harrowsmith, Ontario. Cookbook 245 LDC camera was used on Celestron Ultima 8 SCT with f6.3 focal reducer. Telescope was autoguided with Cookbook 211 LDC camera on a piggybacked 500mm f8 telephoto lens. White exposures (5 x 240 sec.) were combined using AIP4WIN.
North is to the right.
Map created in Guide 7.0 - 7°45' x 7°45'. North is up.
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© Jan Wisniewski