Location Promiod, Aosta valley, Italy
Latitude 45° 47' 09" North
Longitude 07° 36' 11" East
Telescope type Meade Instruments Schmidt-Cassegrain 14" LX200 GPS
Focal length 3556 mm
Diameter 355.6 mm
Focal ratio 10
Diffraction disk 0.79 arcsecond at 560 nm corresponding to 0.013664 mm on the focal plane

The telescope is really good. It was carefully aligned to the North Celestial Pole by using the Bigourdan's method. Tracking accuracy with Periodic Error Correction is about 1 arcsecond. It's possible to take exposures of ten minutes without trailing stars. Typical FWHM values for star disks are around 3" with images as good as 2".