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À propos de Massimiliano82

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    Visual astronomy

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  1. How to calculate your instrument superficial magnitude

    Ok, thank you very much Toutiet, this is the magnitude gain of a scope. Yes, my scope is about 320 mm (12,5"). But we know that a galaxy or a nebula has a magnitude that is spreaded in an area (it is not a point like a star) and it is called "brillance" or "superficial magnitude" of a celestial object. I need to calculate the maximum "superficial magnitude" that i can observe. Merci.
  2. Hi, i need an help: how to know the limit of the superficial magnitude (brillance of an object) of my telescope. Naturally in visual observation. someone expert of formulas? i have a 12'5" dobson. Salut, j'ai besoin d'une aide : comment connaître la limite de la magnitude superficielle (brillance d'un objet) de mon télescope. Naturellement en observation visuelle. quelqu'un expert en formules ? J'ai un dobson de 12'5". merci.