June Aquilids

The data supporting this stream's existence is mainly concentrated in three radar studies conducted during the 1960's---N1964, GE1975 and S1976.
During June 13-19, 1961, C. S. Nilsson (Adelaide, South Australia) detected 4 radar meteors from RA=293.9 deg, DECL=-8.4 deg. A second radar survey was conducted by G. Gartrell and W. G. Elford (Adelaide, South Australia) during June 1969. A total of 13 meteors indicated an average radiant of RA=289 deg, DECL=-6 deg centered on June 11. Finally, during June 2 to July 2, 1969, Zdenek Sekanina directed the Radio Meteor Project at Havana, Illinois. Thirty-five meteors indicated a radiant of RA=297.1 deg, DECL=-7.1 deg when the shower reached maximum on June 17.5.
No convincing proof of this shower's visual existence is present in any of the standard visual catalogs produced in the past.
The three established radar orbits obtained from N1964, GE1975 and S1976 are as follows:

AOP AN i q e a
N1964 328.9 84.3 40.1 0.113 0.93 1.613
GE1975 324 80 39.5 0.15 0.90 1.852
S1976 329.5 85.8 39.3 0.114 0.916 1.348

GE1975 suggested the stream might be related to comet 1618 II, the orbit of which follows:

AOP AN i q e a
1618 II 287.4 80.3 37.2 0.390 1.0 ---

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