SN 2004gt

Finder Field of View

Finder View
Scale 1 arcmin/pixel, FOV = 5 degrees
North Bottom, East Left (Mirrored Image)

#Stars in a radius of 240 arcmin around 
#RA = 12h01m50.4  DC = -18°52'13
#Sorted by Catalog Order. Missing Values are estimated.
#BSC (5 stars)
#Object_Name       -- RA ----  -- DC -- Mag_V_ Dist(°) 
BSC4567            11 56 00.9 -17 09 03  5.180   2.208 
BSC4588            12 00 42.5 -21 50 14  6.280   2.979 
BSC4590            12 00 51.2 -19 39 32  5.260   0.822 
BSC4655            12 14 59.6 -20 50 39  5.830   3.669 
BSC4662            12 15 48.4 -17 32 31  2.590   3.573 

Last Update 21 juil 2005
[SN 2004gt] [Wide Field] [Wider Field]
Software SNWeb provided by Jean-Claude PELLE