Field 12332p3756 for SN 2005kl


Photometry Field
RA (hms) 12m33n12.00
DC (dms) +37°56'00.0
RA Width (arcmin) 12.8
DC Height (arcmin) 8.5
Magnitude R 0.47/15.431
V - R +0.35/+0.98

More Information

Chart with Reference Star
CCD Scale 1.0 arcsec/pixel, FOV = 12.8 * 8.5 arcmin
Frame for KAF-400 - FL 1856 mm - Image Scale 1.0
RA Grid Step is 0.25 hourminute

#Object_Name       -- RA ----  -- DC -- Mag_B_ Mag_V_ Mag_R_ Mag_I_  V-R  Dist(°) C 
SN2005kl           12 24 35.7 +39 23 04
G3018-645          12 33 05.8 +37 57 38 17.220 16.114 15.431 14.867 +0.68   0.023 1
G3018-647          12 33 09.5 +37 58 23 14.407 13.179 12.382 11.585 +0.80   0.024 1
G3018-650          12 33 20.1 +37 56 00 13.787 13.157 12.803 12.440 +0.35   0.031 1
G3018-655          12 33 27.3 +37 56 45 15.683 14.729 14.130 13.600 +0.60   0.050 1
G3018-641          12 32 58.5 +37 54 20 13.816 12.860 12.334 11.875 +0.53   0.063 1
G3018-640          12 32 55.2 +37 58 53 14.057 13.206 12.715 12.299 +0.49   0.064 1
G3018-637          12 32 49.7 +37 56 41 16.575 15.099 14.120 13.067 +0.98   0.073 1
G3018-677          12 33 34.0 +37 54 53 15.603 14.498 13.783 13.176 +0.72   0.080 1
G3018-679          12 33 35.9 +37 52 48 14.843 13.963 13.472 13.066 +0.49   0.105 1
From Arne Henden File

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SN 2005kl

Last Update 27 nov 2005
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Software SNWeb provided by Jean-Claude PELLE