SN 2006rf

Finder Field of View

Finder View
Scale 1 arcmin/pixel, FOV = 5 degrees
North Bottom, East Left (Mirrored Image)

#Stars in a radius of 240 arcmin around 
#RA = 01h53m17.8  DC = +09°23'20
#Sorted by Catalog Order. Missing Values are estimated.
#BSC (4 stars)
#Object_Name       -- RA ----  -- DC -- Mag_V_ Dist(°) 
PSCOMI             01 45 23.6 +09 09 28  4.260   1.964 
BSC0534            01 50 52.0 +11 02 36  5.940   1.759 
BSC0578            01 59 25.9 +12 17 41  6.090   3.273 
BSC0614            02 06 12.3 +08 14 51  6.310   3.387 

Last Update 06 déc 2006
[SN 2006rf] [Wide Field] [Wider Field]
Software SNWeb provided by Jean-Claude PELLE