SN 2009dn

Finder Field of View

Finder View
Scale 1 arcmin/pixel, FOV = 5 degrees
North Bottom, East Left (Mirrored Image)

#Stars in a radius of 240 arcmin around 
#RA = 11h37m39.3  DC = +46°57'10
#Sorted by Catalog Order. Missing Values are estimated.
#BSC (11 stars)
#Object_Name       -- RA ----  -- DC -- Mag_V_ Dist(°) 
BSC4430            11 30 25.0 +46 39 27  6.350   1.273 
UMA-58             11 30 31.1 +43 10 24  5.940   3.984 
BSC4435            11 30 52.9 +47 55 45  6.420   1.505 
BSC4436            11 31 10.2 +48 47 21  6.560   2.134 
BSC4474            11 37 53.0 +50 37 06  6.140   3.666 
UMA-59             11 38 20.6 +43 37 32  5.590   3.330 
UMA-60             11 38 33.5 +46 50 03  6.100   0.195 
BSC4486            11 38 44.9 +45 06 31  6.440   1.854 
UMACHI             11 46 03.0 +47 46 46  3.710   1.644 
UMA-65             11 55 05.7 +46 28 37  6.540   3.027 
UMA-65             11 55 11.2 +46 28 11  7.030   3.043 

Last Update 24 Apr 2009
[SN 2009dn] [Wide Field] [Wider Field]
Software SNWeb provided by Jean-Claude PELLE