Takahashi Mewlons


The Mewlons are   Cassegrains DALL-KIRKHAM type. It means that the primary miror shape is an elipse (shape is between the sphere and the parabola) and the secondary miroir is a sphere. This optical design is easier to make, but it gives more of axis coma than classical Cassegrain. The Takahashi Mewlons are made at f/12, with a little central obstruction, making them suitable for planetary work (field where of axis coma is not a probleme).

Mewlon 180 (1990)

This is the first Mewlon. We can spot differents versions, with two legs blue finder (6x30), with two legss green finder (6x30), and the version with 7x50 finder.

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The 1990 first version The 2005 version, with optinal focuseur


Mewlon 210 (1993)

The last one.

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With EM1 mount schema


Mewlon 250 (1991)

The Mewlon 250 features an eletrically-movable secondary mirror for shift-free precision focusing. For fast thermal balance, the back cover of the tube can be moved, and the primary cell is perforated with 8 circular openings.

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With an EM200 mount

The primary cell


Mewlon 300 (1992 and 1994)

There are two generation of Mewlon 300:

The first one in 1992, was at f/7.6 (not Dall-Kirkam, but a Dilworth optical design)
The seconde one, since 1994, is at f/11.9 (true Dall-Kirkam). The telescope is delivered with a f/10.4 focal reducer

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The 1992 version with black carbon tube The 1994 version The miror cell can be opened miror cell Schema