Tutorial- lesson 7 - Export and Import

Export functions are used to export results in such a way they can be re-processed by other sofware with more advanced "graphical" features

Import functions allows Vspec to get access to spectra profiles without the original spectrum image

There are three different exports functions:
- export as a .dat file
- export as a .txt file
- export as a .bmp file

The export as bmp, just copy the image from the active window into a bmp file.

The export as .dat file, export the wavelength and the intensity of the profile in an ASCII file in two columns separated by a tab. The document can be viewed as any texte file, like the notepad application.

The export as .txt file export all the spc data in an ascii document which can be open by any application. The format looks strange because the .spc header is seen at the beginning of the file.
The .spc ascii format is fully described in the Vspec user manual - This format is directly useable by Excel application
Once the txt file is select Excel request some additional informations to put the data into excel cells - just select "delimitated" and that's it !
Each .spc data will be put in a cell, and the column pixel, angstrom, intensity, ref1 and ref2, normalise and ref will contains the data and the series "Intensity", "Ref1", "Ref2", "Norm" from the Vspec profile document
You can simply delete the first header rows and then select the two column angstrom and intensity, request for a graphic "X-Y"
And after arranging the scale of axis if needed, you will get the following chart
At this point, every functions from Excel will work and you can re-design the look&feel to produce the best graphs you need...
The import function is built-in the "open profile" dialog box" - Instead of opening .spc format file, you can choose to open .dat files. Such files are the easiest way to exchange data with someone not using Vspec. For example, all the standard spectra from the reference library are in .dat format and you can read each one of these from the LibSpec directory.
If you try to save a .dat file, Vspec will ask you for confirmation and will save it as a .spc file - In the future, Vspec will be able to handle .fits format for spectroscopy. But not yet...