
Pablo Muñoz Faúndez

In his site just released, Pablo Muñoz shows an ample collection to us of astronomical images, many of them are photographies of wide field, with outlines of stars or camera in piggyback method. Also in its gallery, images caught with the refractor Celestron Short Tube of 80 mm (well-known affectionately by those who have like Tata Colores) and the exquisite Traveler, a apochromatic of 105 mm with optics created by Roland Christen. In his page, Pablo also teaches to astrophotographic techniques and advice to us who will be useful as much for the novices as for the most advanced.

Astro&Photo. Per aspera, ad astra...

Carlos Milovic Fabregat

A great amount of astronomical photographies, the great majority caught by means of a reflector of 25 cm. of diameter and 1500 mm in focal length, known like Telescopio Duque. In his page it covers some topics related to astrophotographic techniques: it photographs with tripod, in prime focus, etc. It includes in addition advice whom they will avoid to lose many photographic rolls, a recommendation of the photographic laboratories more recommended in Santiago and the films more adapted to make astrophotography.

Grupo de Astronomía de la Universidad Diego Portales

Guillermo Yañez

Armed with its telescope Meade LX 200 of 10 inches of diameter (approximately 25 cm.) baptized affectionately like Toño, Guillermo mainly shows a gallery to us conformed by lunar images. For it he uses cameras of type webcam: Logitech Express, Philips ToUcam Pro and the Meade Video Camera. In his site also there are recommendations for which they choose his first telescope. Guillermo is the creator of the "Grupo de Astronomia de la Universidad Diego Portales".


Pablo Cereceda

In their site lunar images caught with a Meade ETX-125EC and the Meade Electronic Eyepiece. Pablo work the images using the programs Iris and Registax.

Site of Pedro Aguirre

Pedro Aguirre

Its site shows a gallery to us of images, some have been caught using prime focus through a Celestron 8", whereas also photographies taken in the piggyback mode.