DST images of the Flare of July 14, 2000

Big Flaring Region of July, 14, 2000 as seen at the Dunn's Solar telescope of NSO/Sacramento Peak Observatory using the Universal Birefrengent Filter and CCD cameras. It is a part of a cooperative work implying observations taken at the vacuum tower telescope and the MDI spaceborne experiment of SoHO.

The flare which occured in this region just before these pictures were taken is the largest one recorded during the current solar cycle and the largest since 1989. It produced large disturbances and the blockout of a big japanese scientific satellite. Flows of energetic particles were produced during more than 2 days and a large Coronal Mass Ejection in the Interplanetary Medium. Images shown here illustrate the complexity of the magnetic region responsible for the flare, with several well developped sunspots, chromospheric filaments inserted in the region,the remnants of post-flare loops above and still a few micro-flares going on.

Images are showing the highest possible chromospheric layers
recorded in the line of Hydrogen Balmer alpha at 656.2808 nm (red).
Image scale = 0.35 arcsec/pixel :

Header time = 17:34:35 UT

Click here for more H a images

Click here for a short gif animation (677 ko)


The undelayers seen in the blue wing of Hydrogen Balmer alpha at 656.2108 nm.
Image scale = 0.35 arcsec/pixel :

Header time = 17:34:35 UT

Click here for more blue wing H a images

The deepest layers seen in the true optical continuum at 587.56 nm.
Image scale = 0.35 arcsec/pixel :

Header time = 17:40:46 UT

Click here for more continuum images


Images were taken during the run of french visitor scientists (S. K. and C. V.)
by the Observers of the DST of NSO/SPO sponsored by NSF(AURA).