Abell 85, aka The digital sky survey reveals only a low-surface brightness object on the red POSS-1 image, while it was invisible on the blue light image. |
Abell 85 Le digital sky survey révèle seulement un objet à faible luminosité surfacique dans le rouge (POSS-1), alors que rien n'apparait dans le bleu. |
Composite color image R=H-alpha (9h20) G=SII (3h00) B=OIII (2h30) Takahashi FSQ106ED refractor CCD camera Atik 4000 (Kodak KAI-4021M) @-20°C Astrodon 6nm bandwidth filters [click on the image for a larger view] |
Relative response for the three considered emission lines.
Left to right: H-alpha, SII, OIII. Logarithmic scale. [click on the image for a larger view] |
Luminance image. [click on the image for a larger view] |
Inverted luminance image. [click on the image for a larger view] |
(L)SHO visualization. [click on the image for a larger view] |
Other images: http://www.starrywonders.com/ctb1.html http://www.astrosurf.com/bernasconi/T500-2009/index.html http://www.astroimager.net/Page-180-CCD-176.html http://starimager.com/Image%20Gallery%20Pages/Hydrogen%20Alpha%20Images/abell%2085_AP.htm http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~mischa/gallery_ccd/ctb1.html http://www.spiegelteam.de/Abell85.html http://astronomy-mall.com/Adventures.In.Deep.Space/ctb1.htm http://home.broadpark.no/~tomvk/abell85.htm http://www.leciellanuit.net/ctb1_hahaoiiioiii_fsq106_kaf3200_lb.htm http://www.schittly.org/cataloguesharpl1/index.html |