Antilhue - Chile

NGC 2442 in Volans
Home Clusters Galaxies Nebulae Solar System Bennett Catalogue Published images



Image Data

Designation NGC 2442
Object type Type  SB(r)b spiral galaxy
Coordinates 07 h 36 min     - 69° 32'  Volans (Vol)
Description A splendid and unusual barred spiral galaxy in the far southern constellation of Volans, NGC 2442 lies 50 million lightyears away and is thought to be disturbed by an unseen companion galaxy.   At mag 11.3 and with an apparent angular size of only 5 arcmins,  NGC 2442 is both dim and small.  Therefore the image shows an enlarged 60% section of the original frame size (see also a full deep field with elliptical galaxy NGC 2434 taken with a 6" refractor here).  
Exposure LRGB 240:70:70:70 min @ -12°C
Camera SBIG ST-10XE selfguided + CFW8 with Astrodon LRGB filterset
Optics RCOS 14.5" Ritchey-Chrétien @ f/9 (prime focus)
Mount Astro-Physics AP1200GTO
Software MaxIm DL/CCD, DeBloomer, CCDSharp, Adobe Photoshop CS
Location - Date - Time San Esteban (Chile) - 05 and 07Feb05 @ 05:00 UTC 
Conditions Transparency 6,  Seeing 7, Temperature  +17°C