Command Line

C2A can perform several functions directly from the command line.

Image Processing Window

It is possible to launch an instance of C2A where only the Image Processing window is displayed and not the map window. This can be useful for instance to display images while an other instance of C2A displays the field map and DSS images. To use this capability, just specify the argument '/image_processing' on the command line:

c2aw /image_processing

Image Display

To directly display an image in the Image Processing window (and not display the map window), you just have to specify on the command line the name of the image which must end by one of the following extensions: '.fits', '.fit', '.fts', '.gif', '.bmp', '.jpg' or '.pic'. You can use for instance the following command:


C2A Configuration File Loading

In order to load directly a C2A Configuration File from the command line, you just have to specify this file as an argument. Note that a configuration file must have the extension '.ccf' (which stands for C2A Configuration File). Configuration files are created from the command Save as... in the File menu. An example of such a command would be:

c2aw comet_field.ccf


C2A can be launched directly from the software OccultWatcher. For that usage, the syntax of the command line is as follows:

C2A /ow [commands]

The syntax of the different commands is described below:

versionC2aMin={value under the form of an integer}";
ra="{RA value in decimal hours}";
de="{DE value in decimal degrees}";
fieldX="{field width in decimal degrees}";
fieldY="{field height in decimal degrees}";
eventTime="{occultation event date and time under the form dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss}";
starName="{name of the star which is occulted}";
astName="{name of the occulting asteroid}";
astNum="{number of the occulting asteroid}";
lat="{observation site latitude in decimal degrees}";
lon="{observation site longitude in decimal degrees}";
displayAsteroid="{boolean 0/1 to indicate if the asteroid must be displayed}";
loadAsteroid="{boolean 0/1 to indicate if the asteroid orbital elements must be loaded from a local Astorb.dat file}";
catalogPolicy="{policy code}"
   3 possible values: "eventCatalog", "forcedCatalog" and "forcedNomadExceptUcac3"
forcedCatalog="{catalog code}"
   Possible values: "SAO", "Hipparcos", "GSC", "Tycho-2", "USNO-SA1.0",
   "USNO-A2.0", "USNO-B1.0", "NOMAD", "UCAC1",
   "UCAC2", "UCAC3", "UCAC4", "PPMXL"
mapType="{type of map}";
   2 possible values: "equatorial" and "altaz"
singleInstance="{boolean 0/1 to force using a single instance of C2A}";
horizontalSymetry="{boolean 0/1 to indicate an horizontal symetry of the field}";
verticalSymetry="{boolean 0/1 to indicate a vertical symetry of the field}";
rotation="{field rotation value in degrees}";
timeBefore="{time shift in hours to the occultation event}";
UTCoffset={UTC offset value in minutes};
DST="{boolean 0/1 to indicate if the event takes place during Daylight Saving Time or not}";
eventInfo="{string with additional information on the occultation event}";
prepointTrack="{boolean 0/1 to indicate that a Prepoint Track must be displayed}";

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