I tried to gather here terms that may need to be defined. If you think of other terms to put here, contact me.

  • API : Application Programing Interface ; a set of classes that work together to achieve a set of services.
  • a.u. : astronomical unit ; around 150 000 000 km.
  • cartesian coordinates : sometimes called rectangular variables
  • A&A : Astronomy and astrophysics.
  • BDL : Bureau Des Longitudes ; a French institute which produces planetary theories.
  • BDL's book : refers to the "Introduction au calcul d'éphémérides", written by various persons of the BDL.
  • JPL : Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; an American organism which produces the most precise ephemeris ; they mainly use numerical integration methods.
  • GPL : General Public licence ; licence protecting free software. JEphem is released under this licence.
  • Informatique : Frenglish term ; in French, "Informatique" means "related to computers" and "computer science";
  • JVM : Java Virtual Machine ; a java program is not directly executed by the machine. It is first transformed to "bytecode", which is interpreted by the JVM.
  • mas : milli arc second.
  • Parsing, to parse : parsing a file means analyzing it, and get structured information from it.
  • rad : abbreviation for radian
  • SGBD : Système de Gestion de Bases de Données - Mode de gestion des données, avec des tables, accessible via SQL ; utilisé à peu près partout. En anglais : DBMS.
  • Trail : a part of the site - an ordered set of pages located in a single directory. I found this way to organize a site in Sun's java tutorial site.
  • UML : Unified Modeling Language ;
  • XML
  • Implementation : realization. A notion is implemented when the program implementing it is coded, debugged and tested.
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  • Top of document.