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Packages that use AstroException
jephem.astro General classes to conduct ephemeris calculation. 
jephem.astro.solarsystem Contains classes to perform computations on objects of the solar system. 
jephem.astro.solarsystem.vsop87 Classes and data to compute planetary positions using VSOP87 theory. 

Uses of AstroException in jephem.astro

Methods in jephem.astro that throw AstroException
 void Body.sphereToCart(boolean velocities)
          Transformation of coordinates (positions and velocities), from spherical to cartesian.
 void AstroContext.calcBodyCoords(int frame, boolean velocities)
          Call to AstroContext.calcBodyCoords(int, int, double, boolean, int[]) with default values : sphereCart is set to spherical, units are set to ua, degrees, degrees for the positions and to ua/d, deg/d, deg/d for the velocities.
 void AstroContext.calcBodyCoords(int frame, int sphereCart, double precision, boolean velocities, int[] units)
          Main calculation method for body coordinate calculation.

Uses of AstroException in jephem.astro.solarsystem

Methods in jephem.astro.solarsystem that throw AstroException
static void SwissEphemeris.calcBodyCoords(double jd, Body[] bodies, int frame, int sphereCart, double precision, boolean velocities, int[] units)
          Computation of body coordinates, using Swiss Ephemeris.
static void ELP82.calcCoord(double jd, Body body, double precision, boolean velocities)
          Calculation of Moon coordinates.

Uses of AstroException in jephem.astro.solarsystem.vsop87

Methods in jephem.astro.solarsystem.vsop87 that throw AstroException
static void VSOP87.calcCoord(double jd, Body body, double precision, boolean velocities)
          Calculation of planetary positions, from Mercury to Neptune, using VSOP87 theory.

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