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Alien Worlds


Voici quelques illustrations de paysages extraterrestres. De nouveaux dessins sont régulièrement ajoutés à cette collection.

Consultez également les galeries Astronomy, Solar System, Earth, Terragen, UFO & UAP, Aliens, Portraits, Jesus and Co., Astronauts, Space Tourism & Spaceships, Sciences & Technologies, Biology & Prehistory, Animals et Infographies pour d'autres illustrations.

Science fiction

Here are some illustrations of alien worlds. New renderings are regularly added to this collection.

See also the galleries Astronomy, Solar System, Earth, Terragen, UFO & UAP, Aliens, Portraits, Jesus and Co., Astronauts, Space Tourism & Spaceships, Sciences & Technologies, Biology & Prehistory, Animals, and Computer Graphics for additional renderings.

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"Very nice website, packed with many great images and information"

Pat Rawlings, NASA illustrator.

Exoplanets - Virtual Worlds - Virtual Landscapes



Remarkable Exoplanets


Kepler 51 b


TOI 1420 b

TOI 1452 b

Gliese 581 c

(Hycean) Mini-Neptune K2-18 b


Discovered in 2016, Proxima b is >1.3 earth masses and is orbiting at 7 million km from its red dwarf star. The duration of its revolution is 11 days and its rotation is synchronous (it shows always the same side to its star). Discovered in 2016, Proxima b is >1.3 earth masses and is orbiting at 7 million km from its red dwarf star. The duration of its revolution is 11 days and its rotation is synchronous (it shows always the same side to its star).

Upsilon Andromedae

Twilight on Proxima b

Proxima b orbiting Proxima Centauri

Alpha Centauri is a triple star system including a G2 star (A) of 1.09 Ms around which orbit a K1 star (B)of 0.9 Ms escorted by an exoplanet of 1.13 earth-mass at a distance of 6 million km only with a revolution in 3.24 days. Proxima Centauri, a red dward of M5 class and 0.1 Ms orbits at 13000 AU of star A.

Proxima c Centauri

Alpha Centauri Bb (to discover)

Hot Neptune Gliese 436 b, Behemoth

Transits in front of Trappist-1

Trappist-1 b, c, d


GJ1214b is about 2.7 times Earth’s diameter and weighs almost seven times as much. It orbits a red-dwarf star every 38 hours at a distance of 2 million kilometres, giving it an estimated temperature of 230 degrees Celsius. It orbits in 38 hours at 2 million km around a red dwarf star of class M4.5.

GJ1214b is about 2.7 times Earth’s diameter and weighs almost seven times as much. It orbits a red-dwarf star every 38 hours at a distance of 2 million kilometres, giving it an estimated temperature of 230 degrees Celsius. It orbits in 38 hours at 2 million km around a red dwarf star of class M4.5

GJ 1214 b "Waterworld"

The first exoplanet ever discovered. A G2 star 1.4 Rs with 1 exoplanet of 0.5J at only 0.05 AU. So close to the sun it should display a faint tail against the dark sky due to the evaporation of its atmosphere.

The first exoplanet ever discovered. A G2 star 1.4 Rs with 1 exoplanet of 0.5J at only 0.05 AU.

51 Pegasi b (evaporating and transiting)

Kepler 78 b

G star 1.3 Rs with 3 bodies : 1 exoplanet 1.15J at 0.004 AU and 1 stellar binary system (M and K star at 12 AU). G0 star with 1 exoplanet of 0.7J at 0.045 AU loosing its atmosphere due to the heat (1200°C).

Tatooine alias HD 188753 Ab Cygni

Hot Jupiter WASP 33 b


Hot Jupiter KELT 9 b (HD 195689b)


WASP 189 (in UV and dark)

WASP 121 b

HIP 41378 f

Super-Earth Gliese 251 b

V391 Pegasi b

F7 V star 1.6 Rs with 1 exoplanet of 3.9J at 0.046 AU.

Kepler 90 and its 8 Exoplanets

Tau Bootii

G star surrounded with a dust disk and planetesimals.

Tau Ceti (eclipsing and debris)

HAT P 11 b

G0 star with 2 exoplanets: 2.5J at 2.1 AU, 0.8J at 3.7 AU, ring is optional.

Pollux, alias HD 62509 is a KOIII star with 1 exoplanet of 2.9 J at 1.69 AU

47 Ursae Majoris

"Thestias" alias HD 62509 b in Orbit Around Pollux, b Geminorum

Kepler 22 b with a Moon

The Face of Kepler 22 b

Kepler 22 b

16 Cygni Bb

55 Cancri and its Asteroid Belt

Transits in Front of 55 Cancri

Pulsar with 4 exoplanets: 0.02x Earth at 0.1 AU, 4x Earth at 0.4 AU, 3 earth at 0.5 AU, 0.0004x Earth at 2.7 AU.

Binary pulsar associated with a white dwarf star of 0.34 Ms at 1 UA, 1 exoplanet 2.5J at 23 AU, system located in global cluster M4 at 7200 l.y.

Brown dwarf CFBDSIR J214947.2

PSR 1257+12 Virgo

Methulselah, PSR B1620-26 Sco

G4 star with 3 exoplanets: 0.6J at 0.5 AU, 0.6J at 1.6 AU, 1.2J at 2.5 AU.

G3 star, 4 exoplanets: 14x Earth at 0.09 AU, 0.52J at 0.92 AU, 1.7J at 1.5 AU, 3.1J at 4.17 AU.

GJ 504 b alias 59 Virginis b

HD 37124 Tauri

Mu Arae

K2 dwarf star 0.8 Rs with 2 exoplanets: 0.9J at 3.3 AU, 0.1J at 40AU and an asteroid belt at 30 AU (KBO).

K2V star with 1 exoplanet 1.6 Mj at 2.UA. The host star, Errai, will be our "polar star" in the future.

Epsilon Eridani

Errai (g Ceph) and Gamma Cephei b

M2 red dwarf star 0.4 Rs, 2 exoplanets: 0.9J at 2 AU, 1.6J at 10 AU.

K0 star 0.85 Rs, 1 exoplanet of 0.6J but as large as Jupiter at 0.04 AU.

K2 star 11 Rs and 1 Ms with 1 exoplanet of 8.6J at 1.3 AU.

Lalande 21185 Ursa Majoris

TrES-1 Lyrae

Iota Draconis

First "small" and presumably rocky/icy exoplanet discovered, 5.5 earth masses orbiting at 3 AU of a M-class red dwarf of 0.2 Ms. This exoplanet could have had oceans billions years ago.

M4 star, 3 exoplanets: 7x earth at 0.02 AU, 0.5J at 0.1 AU, 7J at 0.2 AU.

Red dwarf star and a 17 J object at 200 AU (exoplanet or another red dwarf). The small moon displayed is speculative

OGLE-2005-BLG-390L b

Gliese 876 Aquarii

CHXR 73B Cham

It includes 7 exoplanets ! The system is located at 127 l.yw. in Hydra. The star is of solar type (G) and shines at visual magnitude 7.33.

Host star red dwarf, exoplanet of 2.6 J, star located at 19000 l.y in Sagittarius

HD 10180

OGLE-2003-BLG-235L b in Sagittarius


Star A5 with 1 exoplanet of 2J at 8 AU, an asteroid belt at 24 AU, a cometary disk  at 40 AU and maybe an exoplanet of 13J at 53 AU (not confirmed).


Bêta Pictoris


Virtual Worlds


A JuMBO (Jupiter Mass Binary Object)

Mini-Neptune made of Helium

A Near Planetary System

Exoplanet Burnt by its Dwarf Star

Exoplanet Orbiting a M-Dwarf Star

Extrasolar System

In Orbit Around a Red Giant

In Orbit Around an AGB Red Giant

In Orbit Around a G-Star (yellow)

In Orbit Around a Red Dwarf Binary

Mini-Neptune in Orbit Around a Red Dwarf

In Orbit Around a K-class Dwarf Star

In Orbit Around a B-Star

In Orbit Around an A-Star

Superhabitable Planet

Orbiting Around a dK-Star

In Orbit Around a M-Star

A Giant Gazeous Exoplanet

A Gazeous Giant

A Giant Rocky Exoplanet

Quadruple Planetary Conjunction

Out of the Darkness

On the Terminator

Grazing light scattering through the rings surrounding a gazeous exoplanet.

A Ringed Rocky Exoplanet

A Gazeous Ringed Exoplanet

Shadow and Light

A Ringed Super-Earth

A 10-Earth Mass Super-Earth

Planetary System

Born from Dust

End of a World

Rings of Saturn seen in perspective

Conjunctions in a distant galaxy

Over Rings

On the Night Side


Virtual Landscapes


A Super-Earth

Star Setting on a Water World

Atmosphere of a Habitable Planet

The Rocky Moon of a Hot Jupiter

Earth II

Stormy Exoplanet

River at Eve on a Habitable Exoplanet

Dried Up Lake on a Dying Exoplanet

Habitable Desert Exoplanet

Habitable Desert Exoplanet

Habitable Desert Exoplanet

End of the Day on a Desert Exoplanet

Hycean Hot Mini-Neptune

A Living Earthlike Exoplanet at Night (Super-Earth, Water World or Hycean World)

Icy World

Binary System

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