A Universe much smaller than the "big bang"

Home page
Section 1) Documentation on gravitational mirrors
Section 2) How does a gravitational mirror works?
A) Gravitational mirror theory
B) Analogy with glass mirror
Section 3) The spherical mirror
A) Between two mirrors it's magic
B) Inside a Spherical Mirror
C) Conclusion
Section 4) Photons trajectories calculations
A) Introduction
B) Calculations
Section 5) Experimental proof
A) Documentation on "Caustic" images
B) Experiment with a 4 inches sphere
Section 6) References


Ref #1 Mirages(1)
Ref #2 Gravitational Lens (2)
Ref #3 Redshift
Ref #4 Speed of light
Ref #5 Lentille grav..Black Hole
Ref #6 Curved Surfaces are made up of tiny flat surfaces
Ref #7 Structure de l'Univers
Ref #8 Map by Margaret Geller


Liste of références


*** g96 1/22 p. 4 What the Big Bang Explains-What It Doesn't ***
Professor Fred Hoyle likened the efforts of the Ptolemaic cosmologists at patching up their failing theory in the face of new discoveries to the endeavors of big bang believers today to keep their theory afloat. He wrote in his book The Intelligent Universe: "The main efforts of investigators have been in papering over contradictions in the big bang theory, to build up an idea which has become ever more complex and cumbersome." After referring to Ptolemy's futile use of epicycles to rescue his theory,Hoyle continued: "I have little hesitation in saying that as a result a sickly pall now hangs over the big bang theory. As I have mentioned earlier, when a pattern of facts becomes set against a theory, experience shows that it rarely recovers."-Page 186

<*** g96 1/22 p. 5-11 What the Big Bang Explains-What It Doesn't ***
"We Are Missing Some Fundamental Element"
Geller's three-dimensional maps of thousands of clumped, tangled, and bubbled galactic agglomerations have transformed the way scientists picture the universe. She does not pretend to understand what she sees. Gravity alone appears unable to account for her great wall. "I often feel we are missing some fundamental element in our attempts to understand this structure," she admits.

Geller enlarged on her misgivings: "We clearly do not know how to make large structure in the context of the Big Bang.e " Interpretations of cosmic structure on the basis of current mapping of the heavens are far from definitive-more like trying to picture the whole world from a survey of Rhode Island, U.S.A. Geller continued: "Someday we may find that we haven't been putting the pieces together in the right way, and when we do, it will seem so obvious that we'll wonder why we hadn't thought of it much soon

Experience to do with a spherical mirror
1) Take a "flash light" and tape the front lens.
2) make sure that no light comes out
3) With a needle puncture the tape to get the smallest possible hole
4) Place the flash light in front of the concave mirror which is cut out of a 14'diam. sphere
(the light is in the center of the 7 feet radius sphere)
5) Close all light in the room and direct the flashlight beam to the centre of the mirror (vortex)
6) We should see a multitude of light dots in the mirror as predicted

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Same as above but with a concave mirror 24"diam cut out of a 72 feet diam spherical mirror and using a laser beam instead of flashlight
Numeric camera 5.2m Picture with 3x optical zoom

experience with a spherical mirror 72 feet in diam using a laser beam as a source instead of flashlight
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