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Eguzki eklipse osoa, 2019ko uztailak 2. Txile (Andacollo-Punta Colorada)

Total solar eclipse, 2nd July 2019. Chile (Andacollo - Punta colorada)



Ekainak 28, bidaian goaz Txilerantz uztailak 2an ikusiko den eguzki eklipse osoa behatzeko asmoz. Maletak gainezka dauzkagu daramatzagun kamera objektibo eta beste hainbeste materialez lepo. Santiagon lur hartu ondoren autoz joango gara Andacollo herrira. La Serenatik 50km-tara dagoen herritxoa meatzaritzatik bizi da, bertan lurretik ateratzen dituzte mineral ugari. Carmen Gloria eta Fabiola Rojas ezagutuko ditugu. Machukuna, beraien arbasoek astronomia eta zeruan behatzen zituzten konstelazio eta objektuen interpretazioari buruzko egitasmoan buru belarri dabiltz azken urteetan, Urku Inti ostatuan egingo digu harrera Fabiolak. BTEX TV, La Serena eta Coquimboko telebistako kideekin elkartu gara, Andacollotik Txile osora eta nazioartera eklipsea emititzeko prestaketekin baitaude. Eguraldi bikaina, zerua urdin-urdin negua izan arren, eklipsea Punta Coloradatik aurrantz joanda behatzea erabaki dugu, bertan Atakama basamortua hasten da eta 1780 metrotan kokatzen da gure behalekua. Eklipsearen aurreko egunean iritsi eta bertan jada bi auto daude. Lasaigarria da hain leku isolatuan gu bezalako zoroekin topo egitea. Autoetako batetik gizon bat datorkigu, Kristian Molnár eklipse behatzaileak hamabigarren eklipsea behatuko du eta milaka istorio kontatzen dizkigu bere bidaikide Jónas Károlyrekin behatu dituen eklipseetako gertakariekin, barrez lehertzeraino. Eklipse eguneko goizean behalekua betetzen doa autoz, ez genuen inondik ere espero hainbeste jende etorriko zenik hain leku isolatura. Eklipse osoa liluragarria (beste behin), hunkigarria, bi minutu eta 20 segunduz egunez gaua !

June 28, we are flying to Chile in order to see the total solar eclipse of july 2 in Chile. Our luggage is filled by heavy equipment with many lenses, cameras and tripods... After landing in Santiago de Chile, we will drive to Andacollo. Andacollo, a small town 50 km away from La Serena, lives in mining, where many minerals are extracted from the ground. We will meet with Carmen Gloria and Fabiola Rojas who are involved in recent years into Machukuna proyect, about how their ancestors interpreted to astronomy events and constellations. We are wolcomed by Fabiola at Urki Inti accommodation. We met with TV BTEX members from La Serena and Coquimbo, who are setting up all equipment for showing the clipse to Chile and to the world. Clear blue skies everyday, despite being in winter. We have determined the observation spot in Punta Colorada, 1780 meters high, where begins the Atacama Desert. After some hours driving we arrived to observation spot at afternoon day before, where there was two cars. Great to see that there are people as crazy as we are. We met Kristian Molnár who has viewed 12 total solar eclipses and tell us lot of istories about his expeditions with his partner Jónas Károly. We had fun and had a good laugh with Kristian. Eclipse day, during morning the spot was filled by cars, I never spected it could be happen in such remote site. The eclipse... amazing!



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