Ortzi sakona CCD bidez

CCD deep sky



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Wide Field DSLR



Eguzki sistema

Solar System







Ortzi sakona film bidez

Film deep sky










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Sh2-73 islada ahuleko nebulosa bat da Hercules (Herkules) konstelazioan, gugandik 650 argi-urtera eta nahiko latitude galaktiko altuan dagoena. Oker HII eremu gisa sartu zen Sharpless katalogoan. Geroago, hodei molekular bat zela aurkitu zen eta Esne Bideak bere osotasunean argiztatzen duena, beraz, IFNren (Fluxu Integratuko Nebulosa) eremua da.

Sh2-73 is a dim reflection nebula in the Hercules constellation being just 650 light-years away and at relatively high galactic latitude. It was mistakenly included as HII region in the Sharpless catalog. Later discovered to be a molecular cloud and illuminated by the Milky Way as a whole and therefore part of IFN (Integrated Flux Nebula).

Iparretik Zeruko ekuatorera Izar Arrastoak.

North to Celestial equator Star Trail.

Hauts fluxus osatutako nebulosak, gure galaxian dauden altitude handiko nebulosak dira. Hauts partikulez, hidrogenoz eta karbono oxidoz osaturik daude bere gehiengoan eta gure galaxiako izarrek argiztatzen dituzte. Irudia Herensugea konstelazioan kokatzen da.

Integrated Flux Nebula are high latitude galactic nebulae in the Milky Way composed mainly of dust particles, hydrogen and carbon monoxide and are illuminated by stars in the Milky Way. Imaged here is the IFN located in Draco constellation.












Coma Berenice (Berenizeren adatsa) iparraldeko zeruko asterismo zahar bat da, konstelazioetako bat bezala definitu dena. Leo eta Boötes (Itzaina) konstelazioen artean dago eta bi hemisferioetatik ikusten da. Latinez "Bereniceren ilea" esan nahi du eta Egiptoko Berenice II.a erreginari egiten dio erreferentzia, bere ile luzea sakrifikatu zuen boto-opari gisa. Pertsona historiko bati izendatutako konstelazio bakarra da.

Coma Berenices is an ancient asterism in the northern sky which has been defined as one of the constellations. Located between Leo and Boötes, and it is visible in both hemispheres. Its name means "Berenice's Hair" in Latin and refers to Queen Berenice II of Egypt, who sacrificed her long hair as a votive offering.  It is the only constellation named for a historic person.

Lynds Bright Nebula 691, Hartz Nagusian dagoen hodei molekularra, gure galaxian dauden altitude handiko gune trinkoetako bat da. Hodei mokelularra, izar-arteko hodei mota bat da non bertan molekulak sortzeko nahikoa dentsitate eta tamaina dituen, gehienetan H2. MBM 32 hodei molekularra lehenik LBN 691 bezala katalogatua izan 1965an eta ondoren MBM 32 bezala 1985an. Hartz Nagusiko Hodei Molekular konplexuan kokaturik dago eta bertan lehen aldiz H2CO eta NH3 konposatu kimikoak antzeman zituzten.

Lynds Bright Nebula 691 (MBM 32) is a molecular cloud in Ursa Major, a dense core of high galactic cirrus cloud. A molecular cloud, is a type of interstellar cloud, the density and size of which permit the formation of molecules, most commonly molecular hydrogen (H2). The molecular cloud MBM 32 was first catalogued as LBN 691 by Lynds (1965) and later as MBM32 by MBM (1985). It is located in the complex known as the Ursa Major cirrus cloud. This cloud is one of the first cirrus clouds where H2CO and NH3 organic compounds were detected.

Izar zirkunpolarra, Lurreko latitude jakin batetik ikusita, zeruko poloetako baten hurbiltasunagatik ez da inoiz horizontearen azpian sartzen. Izar zirkunpolarrak, beraz, toki horretatik hurbileneko polorantz begiratuta ikusten dira gau osoan, urteko gau guztietan.

A circumpolar star is a star that, as viewed from a given latitude on Earth, never sets below the horizon due to its apparent proximity to one of the celestial poles. Circumpolar stars are therefore visible from said location toward the nearest pole for the entire night on every night of the year.

Barnard begizta (Sh2-276) Orion konstelazioan dagoen igortze nebulosa da. Begiztak arku itxura dauka, gutxi gorabehera Orion nebulosan (M42) du bere erdigunea eta Orion Hodei Molekularraren zati bat da. Irudiaren eremuan, Barnard Begiztan erdigunean dauden LBN976, LBN982 eta LBN985 nebulosak ikus daitezke.

Barnard's Loop (Sh 2-276) is an emission nebula in the constellation of Orion. The loop takes the form of a large arc centered approximately on the Orion Nebula (M42) and it's part of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex. This field contains LBN976, LBN982 and LBN985 which are located at the center area of the Barnard's Loop.

Taurus Hodei Molekularra (TMC) Zezena eta Auriga (Gurdizaina) konstelazioetan aurkitzen den hodei molekularra da. Gugandik, bakarrik 430 argi-urtera kokatzen da, izarrak sortzen ari diren eremu handi hurbilena izanik. Perseus Hodei Molekularra (Per HM) berriz, hodei molekular erraldoia da Perseus konstelazioan, 10000 eguzki masa duen hauts eta gas hodeia gugandik 1000 argi-urtera kokatzen da.

The Taurus Molecular Cloud (TMC) is a molecular cloud in the constellations Taurus and Auriga. At only 430 light-years away from Earth, the nearest large star formation region and has hundreds of newly formed stars. The Perseus Molecular Cloud (Per MCld) is a giant molecular cloud in the constellation of Perseus at 1000 light-years and contains over 10,000 solar masses of gas and dust.

Irudi honek SU Cas izar aldakorraren inguruan izar-hautsez betetako eremua erakusten du Cassiopeia (kasiopea) konstelazioan. Bertan izar-hauts kopuru handiak, nebulosa ilunak eta islada-nebulosa ugari daude. LDN 1355, LDN1357 eta 1358 nebulosa ilunek "esku laguntzaile" nebulosaren ikuspegia osatzen dute.

This images shows a dusty area around SU Cas variable star in the constellation Cassiopeia. It contains large amount of dust, dark nebula and some reflection nebula. LDN 1355, LDN1357 and 1358 formed the view of the "helping hand" nebula.

Perseus (Pertseo) iparraldeko zeruko konstelazio bat da eta II. mendeko Ptolomeo astronomoak zerrendatutako 48 konstelazioetako bat. Nazioarteko Astronomia Elkarteak (IAU) definitutako 88 konstelazio modernoen artean dago. Perseus-en inguruan Greziar mitologian oinarritutako konstelazio ugari daude, Andromeda mendebaldean, Camelopardalis eta Cassiopeia iparraldean. Perseus-ek ere mugakide ditu Aries, Taurus baita Auriga eta Triangulum mendebaldean.

Perseus is a constellation in the northern sky and It is one of the 48 ancient constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy, and among the 88 modern constellations defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU. It is located near several other constellations named after ancient Greek legends surrounding Perseus, including Andromeda to the west, Camelopardalis and Cassiopeia to the north. Perseus also is bordered by Aries, Taurus also Auriga and Triangulum to the west.




All the images in this site are © copyright by Iñaki Lizaso. Any use of these images without the prior written consent of the autor is strictly prohibited. Contact Iñaki Lizaso at edif300@yahoo.es
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© Iñaki Lizaso